Welcome to the page for the Exploring the Afterlife workshop in Seattle.

"The fear of death we carry is erased by Knowledge of what lies beyond our physical world's horizon. I want you to know you don't have to take anyone else's word for what the Afterlife is. You can explore There yourself and learn from your own direct experience. There you might discover not just hope, but knowledge. The one message I want to be sure to deliver before I die is that when you board your ship for the Afterlife, as we all someday must, there's an opportunity to live in complete freedom."
Bruce A. Moen

Have you ever wondered whether you can learn to explore the afterlife while still here on earth? Have you sensed the presence of a departed loved one and wished that communication could take place? Have you given some thought to the notion that your consciousness can be expanded to encompass non-physical realms and wondered whether you can learn verifiable information?

Bruce Moen will be presenting a two-day Exploring the Afterlife workshop in Seattle on Saturday and Sunday, October 21 and 22, where you can learn to expand your consciousness and explore the afterlife. Bruce is an engineer who, after several sessions at the Monroe Institute, has learned how to explore the afterlife and now teaches ordinary human beings how to do the same things. Bruce takes a matter-of-fact approach, as you might expect from an engineer, to teaching us techniques for expanding our awareness and learning to perceive non-physical phenomena.

Bruce will be making a number of personal appearances in the greater Seattle area the week before the workshop. Here is Bruce's appearance schedule.

Consult the Afterlife-Knowledge web site (http://www.afterlife-knowledge.com) for an explanation of what Bruce does, why and how it works, and what you can expect to learn at this workshop. This is a highly regarded workshop and we are lucky that Bruce is coming to the Pacific Northwest.

Location and Cost. The workshop will be Saturday and Sunday, October 21-22, Factoria Square Mall (community room) in Bellevue, WA.. The cost is $250 for the weekend. The seminar starts at 8:00 each day. Factoria Square Mall is in Bellevue, about 10 miles east of Seattle, located just southeast of the intersection of I90 and I405. Coming east from Seattle on I90, take the Richards Road exit (Exit 10) and turn right (south) and the mall is about half a mile south on your right. Coming north on I405, take the Coal Creek Parkway exit and head right (east). After half a mile turn left (north) on 128th and the mall is less than one mile on your left. Coming south on I405, take the SE 8th exit (not NE 8th),

Registration. You can register and reserve a spot by emailing joe@meboe.com and paying in advance, either by check (payable to Joe Meboe, 12106 SE 26th St., Bellevue, WA 98005) or by credit card at http://healingshop.com/. If the credit card process at that site doesn't work with your browser, email jjjstamper@aol.com to process your payment.

Motel information.

Cancellation/refund policy. A full refund will be made if the request is received by October 7. After that date, your refund will be reduced by an amount that will cover the canceling participant's share of the cost for the facility and airfare, which will be approximately $25.