Shell shocked

Posted by Ginny on September 12, 2001 at 12:02:27:

Hi everyone,

Bruce....your technique to release powerful emotions worked like a charm last night. On my third trip to help I was able to use it and found it to be so effective that I was able to carry on and help a few more. Also, the technique enabled me to build up and send PUL much easier. On the first trip I was having such difficulty even feeling PUL and realized later it could have been because of the emotional atmosphere.
All day yesterday I found myself twice on an airplane, acting kind of like a stewardess to people who showed no signs of injury but were shell shocked. That's the only way I can describe what they were going through. Some were in the process of wondering what had happened and others were in a daze. I've never found myself in so many costumes before but I just went with whatever was happening.
At another time I was in what looked like a building that had been ripped open. An older woman was still waiting to deliver some paperwork to her boss. Another man was trying to stand and he couldn't and he wasn't completely aware of why his hips were broken. I did encounter a few children and only two seemed to be distressed about what had happened (asking one to go piggyback and fly away worked).

Am going back today and tonight.

I love all of you so much!!!
